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  1. JimAbs43

    Podcast Underground 36 - TRT and Primobolan with Geneza Pharma Underground 36 - TRT and Primobolan with Geneza Pharma
  2. G

    Steroids How would you stack growth hormone with steroids?

    Don't see too many people using human growth hormone anymore which is weird to me When it comes to hgh I'm very interested in the fat loss and lean muscle mass benefits that it can provide if you run it correctly the issue is I've never run it before with steroids. I'm 56 years old and my goal...
  3. H

    Steroids Good clean gains, nothing crazy

    I’m 46 years old and past my prime when it comes to bodybuilding, but i still like to stay in shape. I’m 185 pounds and 5’10’’ So not looking to use anything harsh like tren lol Just want something mild What do you guys think about using primobolan? And if so how much would you stack it with...
  4. H

    Steroids Primobolan cycling done right

    My next primo cycle i’m planning on doing will be atleast 1000mgs a week Why? Cause last time i ran it at 500mgs a week it didn’t do diddly squat for me Luckily i found a source that has it that is affordable If i stacked it with 200mgs of testosterone enanthate would that be a good one to do...
  5. B

    NapsGear Napsgear scored some deals!

    I was able to take advantage of the napsgear sales the past few weeks I got some trenbolone, testosterone and primobolan all for 50% off. I am building my stack for way less money then i thought. Does anyone know when the next sale starts and what they will have? Would like a 4th item
  6. M

    Geneza Geneza pharma 9/10 experience

    I would have to give geneza pharma almost perfect marks. 9 out of 10 so far They were excellent with customer service. I made my order and it took around 2 weeks to get my products I had ordered several things including tbol, dbol, and primobolan. It wasn’t that bad in price either, thought...
  7. V

    Steroids Primobolan and proviron mild stack

    Looking to do a mild steroid stack and i need help I’m looking at using primo and proviron together My starting dosages are gonna be 300 primo and 50mgs proviron I only need help with how much testosterone to use as my base Remember i want it to be MILD. so don’t suggest crazy test dose I’m...
  8. Y

    Steroids Test with primo at a high dose

    I am currently on testosterone replacement therapy. I'm 35 years old and I am doing about 150 to 200 MGS a week of testosterone I want to add in some primobolan and get some nice Lean gains. I'm currently 177 lb and 6 ft 1 in what do you think about using primobolan at 1000 to 1,200 mg a week
  9. U

    Steroids Slow and steady results steroids

    Looking to get some slow and steady results Currently 5 ft 7 in + 178 lb. I'm about 15% body fat so don't want to put on any type of body fat anymore I have a choice between 150mgs testosterone and either deca durabolin or primobolan 500mgs a week or should I run them all together and just do it...
  10. R

    Steroids Max primobolan dosage?

    I’m looking to maximize primobolan but also realize its a pricey steroid What is the max dosage i can use it? Want lean gains I’m 5’7’’ 166 pounds and 11% body fat, 44 years old
  11. N

    Steroids Test and primo cycle

    50 5’9’’ 180 lbs 14% Testosterone 500mgs Primobolan 700-1000mgs (which dose works best?) Want lean muscle gains, not bloat and no fat gain
  12. H

    Steroids Trying to stay on top of things

    I’m 6’3’’ 217 pounds. 15% I tend to fluctuate my weight up and down a lot based on my diet What is the best thing for me to use in terms of steroids? Should i go with equipoise or primobolan? I’m 40 years old and haven’t used steroids in about 6 years
  13. S

    Steroids Primo with test options

    18% body fat and 26 years old, 5’11’’ Want to run something mild to give me lean muscle mass 3rd cycle i’ve done Should i do primobolan 300mgs and testosterone 500mgs? Or should i swap the doses?
  14. E

    Steroids More of an easy going stack

    I did Trenbolone for a couple years and I want to try to ease back on my steroid dosing and use something more mild I'm up to 225 lb and 5 ft 10 in. I'm 35 years old do you think I should switch to equipoise or primobolan? I wanted to do 500mgs each And how much test with them?
  15. K

    Steroids Mild steroid stack options

    I have some ideas for a mild steroid cycle primobolan masteron anavar equipoise deca durabolin testosterone which of those 3 would you run for a mild steroid stack? I want to put on lean muscle mass I’m 5’11’’ 175 pounds about 11% body fat and 40 yrs old
  16. R

    Geneza Geneza mix i did

    Just came off a geneza pharma cycle Great results, could not be happier This time i did primobolan, trenbolone and anavar Those 3 together were amazing. Yes it wasn’t the cheapest cycle but geneza sells the real stuff for a good price. Be back again
  17. S

    Steroids How would you add hgh here?

    Right now i am gonna run so far 250mgs testosterone enanthate 400mgs primobolan 800mgs equipoise How much hgh would be a good idea here?
  18. R

    Steroids best way to use primo

    hello, reading some old school info seems like primobolan was a good steroid back in the day I’m young but I have an old school mentality wondering what is the best way to use primobolan my goals are lean muscle mass. I’m 26 years old 5’6’’ 155 pounds and 9% body fat
  19. io-podcast

    Podcast Hardcore 9 - Primobolan (Methenolone), Doses and Side Effects

    In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out Primobolan (Methenolone), Doses and Side Effects. We discuss: We talk about how it came to be chosen by bodybuilders Potential side effects and, as we will do in every episode, how to deal with them...
  20. J

    Steroids Test levels are average

    My testosterone levels are too average, i feel like that is translating to average results in the gym I’ve only improved my lifts like 5-10 pounds over the past few months I’m 27 years old and never used any sort of PED. 6 foot tall and 80kg Is it okay if i do a cycle like this: 600mgs a week...
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